About IEEE Region 7

Our Region

IEEE Canada is the Canadian division of IEEE, designated as Region 7, and it is also a constituent society of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC). It focuses on the technical fields of electrical, electronics, and computer engineering. Region 7 includes around 21 sections, organized as local entities within three main areas: Western Canada, Central Canada, and Eastern Canada. These sections operate independently while supporting the broader objectives of IEEE Canada.



Student Branches


What We Do in IEEE Canada


We are dedicated to fostering both student growth and member success through the IEEE Canadian Foundation (ICF). This commitment is evident in our provision of scholarships, grants, and awards, which aim to support students in their educational endeavors and recognize the achievements of our members. Moreover, we offer valuable resources such as experience, funding, and networking contacts to empower members in advancing their professional skills.


We publish an electronic newsletter, a general interest magazine (ICR), a technical journal (CJECE), and Engineering History books through the IEEE Canada Press.

We also maintains a website containing publication archives, a digital library of specialized lectures, and a showcase of Canadian engineering achievement (developed as a millennium project).


IEEE Canada operates several conferences annually to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration within the engineering community. These include two regional conferences, CCECE and EPEC, held each year, along with the bi-annual ANTEM conference. Additionally, every three years, IEEE Canada hosts the global IHTC conference, providing a platform for experts worldwide to share insights and advancements in heat transfer technology.

Our Operations

Canadian IEEE members pay dues and assessments which partially pay for the services provided by IEEE Canada, IEEE, EIC, and PAGSE. The sale of products and services to members, non-members, and organizations provides significant additional income.

While both the IEEE and EIC provide educational services and products, EIC focuses on the “professional” component while IEEE provides “technical” information through its member societies.

PAGSE’s mandate is to educate and inform federal Parliamentarians, decision makers and other leaders of the importance and significance of Canadian research and innovation to economic development, and society as a whole.

President of IEEE Canada serves on the EIC council as a voting member, as well as being the IEEE Region 7 Director and a voting member of both the IEEE Board of Directors and the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board.

IEEE Canada history

IEEE Canada has a long, rich history of achievement. In 2020, a snapshot of the past 25-year period was captured in a brochure which includes IEEE Canada’s Sections growth, organizational developments and remarkable records of administrative change. The brochure includes a history of Canadian pioneers in our profession and IEEE Canada historic milestones. Please see the History of IEEE Canada page for more information.

Board of directors

The President chairs the Board of Directors which is the principal governing body of IEEE Canada. The Section Chairs form a majority of the voting membership of the Board. Canadian IEEE members vote on alternate years for the President-Elect. Section members, likewise, vote for their section chair. Please see the administration page for more information.

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